- Access to CERN: Each company representative will receive a mail from the CERN access registration service requesting information relevant for their access to CERN. They will be provided with a personal code which will generate their access card on the day of their arrival.
- WIFI@CERN: https://landb.web.cern.ch/landb/selfregistration/visitor/index#/step1.
Requests requires manual approval - Please make sure that requests are made at least one week ahead of your event and at the very latest by the 25th November'22. CERN contact person: Name: Morer-Olafsen, First Name: Merethe, Department: IPT, Group: PI
- Meeting rooms:
Table 1: 61-1-007 Salle B
Table 2: 61-1-009 Salle C
Table 3: 61-1-017 Salle D
Table 4: Mezzanine 1 (follow indications)
Table 5: Mezzanine 2 (follow indications)
Table 6: Mezzanine 3 (follow indications) - Agenda and Presentations (CERN Indico)
- CERN homepage
- How to get around CERN (map)
- Visits and Expos at CERN (Globe: Free Access. Microcosm=closed)
- Taxi to Airport : Contact Hotel reception
- Luggage Storage: Hotel reception